Monday Ramblings

Monday Ramblings | 05.29.2023

Happy Memorial Day Monday! Thanks for joining me once again on another installment of Monday Ramblings, a weekly roundup where I catch you up on the last few days, ramble on a little, as well as share links to things I’m reading, listening to, and loving…If you’re in the US, hope your day is filled with lots of yummy barbecue, friends and family, and plenty of rest and relaxation before we do this whole work thing again on Tuesday…

When this post goes live, I will likely be subjecting myself to the annual Murph torture workout at my gym. It has become a symbolic fitness ‘new years day’ for me. I like to see how far I’ve come because I use it as a way to measure any change/improvement. I’m no pro, believe me – I do almost every element of the workout scaled. However, despite not being a great athlete, I find it highly motivational to see positive changes over the year and progress really makes me happy.

Other than Murph and hockey practice on Saturday, I had a very low-key weekend. I cleaned the house, did laundry and ironed clothes (!? who even am I?!) and watched a bunch of tv. A long weekend in, or stay-cation, if you will, was just what the doctor ordered. I’m feeling so much better, mentally!

On to some fun or interesting links…

📖 Read This

How to cook leeks (one of my favorite veggies) properly…

Bed rot is a term that puts a name to one of my favorite activities…

What successful women do on Fridays to get ready for Monday…

💄 Beauty

I want to get this serum to keep at the office for when my skin is feeling like it needs some love

Would you try mascara ‘cocktailing’?

🛍️ Shopping

Check out my Memorial Day Sales post from yesterday. A few sales are ending today!

This Anthropologie cabinet is gorgeous. Not a fan of that price tag though!

🎧 Listen to this…

Here is a list of some new audiobooks to listen to…

T Swift is the gift that keeps on giving. She dropped 4 more songs for our listening pleasure.

🍿 Watch This

I thoroughly enjoyed the last season of Succession! Did you watch it? Did you love it too?!

This weekend was big on TV. I binge-watched Queen Charlotte over the weekend. Despite the second season of Bridgerton not really doing it for me, I actually really loved this storyline.

Hope your long weekend was fun and full of food! I’ll be doing Murph today, and probably will be out of commission for the foreseeable future, but doing crazy workouts makes me happy. Hope you have a great rest of your Monday, and comment below your thoughts on any of the links I’ve shared!

Disclosure – If you buy something from my affiliate links, I may earn a commission at no cost to you, but just know that I only share things I truly love or would love to have!!

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