Monday Ramblings

Monday Ramblings 2.1.2021

Feb. 01, 2021

In other news… I’m back in Colorado! And it looks like I brought the winter weather with me too. What an adjustment it has been! The sunny Mediterranean coast certainly spoiled me and I’m no longer the hardened Colorado almost-native that used to scoff at out-of-staters.

On the bright side of the Pandemic (is there a bright side?) I’ve not been leaving the house apart from a few errands I’ve had to run (driver’s license renewal anyone?) and very isolating walks with Nala. I took advantage of last week to relax and mentally prepare myself for my new job starting today (Monday!) and I can say that it did me some good. I’m feeling excited, ready for a challenge, and a whole mix of other emotions.

Anyway, I found a few interesting links to share with you all…

Can you solve this riddle?

I’m dying to try and make this childhood favorite, Russian Honey Cake.

A really helpful post on dealing with spending hangovers (I am guilty as charged).

Are you getting enough sleep (I’m not!)?

Tips for succeeding at a new job.

A facemask that I’m considering ordering after all the news of the new covid variants floating about.

For those of us missing summer, here is a guide on which bronzers to use in order to achieve that summer glow (I love number 10).

A surprisingly simple list on how to implement self-care in your life according to Psychology Today.

What exactly happened with GameStop according to TikTok…

I’ve been using this body cream on my face to combat really dry skin in CO and it works SO well.

Hope you have a great start to your week and please comment below if you found any of the links fun or useful!

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  • Reply Tracy

    Obviously super happy for you but I hate that we’re that far away now!

    February 13, 2021 at 8:47 pm
    • Reply caffeineberry

      I know! But at least when (if!) the pandemic dies down, we will be able to see each other again!! Holding on to the hope 🙂

      February 21, 2021 at 5:02 am

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