Monday Ramblings

Monday Ramblings | 4.24.2023

Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Thanks for joining me on another installment of Monday Ramblings, a weekly post where I catch you up on the last few days, as well as share some interesting things I’m reading, songs/podcasts I’m listening to, and things I’m wanting to buy!

This was a lovely weekend, full of friends, a Harry Potter movie marathon with my brother, and visiting my parents on Sunday night for dinner and a card game. I went to my Saturday morning ice skating lesson, spent a bit of time tidying my room/folding laundry, and getting ready for my work week. Many snuggles with Nala were shared so I’d say it was a great success.

Without further delay, here are some good links…

Today is the last day for the Sephora sale. You can get up to 30% off if you use the code ‘savenow’. I’m ordering some more IT Cosmetics sunscreen foundation because I’m almost out and restocking my favorite stila eyeliner.

If you need a new audiobook to listen to, here is a good list

This dress is so dreamy and perfect for spring…

A ranking of Taylor Swift’s break-up anthems…

Here is an interesting observation about Gen Z…

Some tips for organizing your closet…

What is ‘quiet luxury’ and why some have had enough

I bought this candle and it is my new favorite!

I hope your week is a good one. I’ll leave you with a quote:

“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” —Mister Rogers

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