
What I Wore This Week | 4.22.2023

spring outfit inspiration

In typical Colorado fashion, it was hot and sunny at the start of the week, rainy and windy in the middle, and then we got a dusting of snow on Friday. Luckily, I only needed to go into the office once, so I had a very comfy/casual week. Here is this week’s style diary…

I’m still trying to romanticize my life. This includes taking a little more pride in my wardrobe and not exclusively wearing leggings and t-shirts when I’m working from home. Also, I am trying to dress more professionally when I do go into the office. It’s my second week doing this series (see last week’s post) and I have found that taking a photo daily keeps me motivated to dress a little cuter. It’s been fun to experiment with different items of clothes I already have in my closet. I am a particular fan of the coastal grandmother style that I tried on Wednesday.

What are your favorite styles?

Monday | 4.17.2023

Tuesday | 4.18.2023

Wednesday | 4.19.2023

Thursday | 4.20.2023

Friday | 4.21.2023

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