This past weekend, approximately one year ago, I was living a very different life from the one today. Like myself,…
As one friend has put it, I have the Barcelona Blues. This, in essence, captures what I am feeling. It…
Change is happening to Hull. It’s so exciting to see the former Fruit Market area, one of my favorite areas of…
I can’t say I’ve travelled most of the world. I can’t even say that I’ve travelled most of a single…
You know that feeling you get when you come to a new country for the first time and it’s like…
Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in…
This past Friday, (as you can guess) I went to the Hull Fair. I was supposed to meet up with a…
I recognize that I have an obsession with Spain. Every other post is a post about Spain. Spain spain, spain…
On my road trip through Spain, Toledo was our first stop. I didn’t realize that this city would be extremely…